I attended and graduated from an American university.
While the school I went to, the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, was not the furthest-flung, left-wing nonsense, at least not within our department, Marxism and Marxist-based conflict theories permeated most classes at the university.
Cultural Marxism, emanating from the work of Antonio Gramsci and the Frankfurt School, has become a major problem in American higher education, and, now, public education.
American schools, in their present form, are no more than the largest communist training camps in the world.
Anyone who has spent any amount of time inside these institutions or sent their kids to these institutions, especially in modern times, knows exactly what I am talking about.
Marxist-based conflict theories, ‘critical social theories’, and the entire field of sociology all stem from or are deeply rooted in Marx’s Communist Manifesto.
In my opinion, this is one of the deepest and most dire issues facing America today—probably the biggest one right behind the growth of the state. …
Matter of fact, it is the former that gives rise to the latter.
We spend our days fighting never-ending cultural battles and contesting a hill, when, just over that hill, there is a depot endlessly manufacturing communists. …
Prudent strategy would dictate that it is pointless to fight over the hill—we must hit the communist depot and disrupt their supply lines before laying claim to the hill. …
Only then will we have a permanent and lasting victory over this civilizational cancer.
How do we strike at the heart of the matter, and fix these institutions, so that they are not minting communists en masse?
#AGENDA47: President Trump’s plan to reclaim our colleges and universities from radical Marxists and ensure America’s students receive the education they deserve. pic.twitter.com/FrN2CN7706
Precisely. DEI is a Trojan horse for bringing in an ideology that is hostile to all aspects of our civilization.
We need to oust the people who have done this and install new leaders who will return higher education to actual education.
Here’s James Lindsay discussing the depths of the problem at American universities and in higher education, I strongly encourage you to check out everything he does.
Lindsay has been at the forefront of fighting against Marxism in education:
If we don't understand how Leftist activists have stolen education, we cannot save it. If we don't save it, we will lose our country, and our children will be enslaved. I hope this helps.https://t.co/yd7AmVK6jh
Mediaite provided a partial transcript of President Trump’s plan:
“The time has come to reclaim our once great educational institutions from the radical left. And we will do that.
Our secret weapon will be the college accreditation system. It’s called accreditation for a reason.
The accreditors are supposed to ensure that schools are not ripping off students and taxpayers, but they have failed totally.
When I return to the White House, I will fire the radical left accreditors that have allowed our colleges to become dominated by Marxist maniacs and lunatics.
We will then accept applications for new accreditors who will impose real standards on colleges once again, and once and for all.”