Former S.C. Republican Governor Nikki Haley slammed Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis over his feud with Disney, stating that the situation shows he has “thin skin.” Haley proceeded to note that prior to this feud, DeSantis had taken “$50,000 worth of contributions.”
In an interview on the “America 180 with David Brody” podcast, Haley pointed out that right before the current situation with Disney ensued, DeSantis had “passed the largest corporate subsidies in Florida history for Disney,” and yet as soon as he received some criticism from the company, he moved forward with a lawsuit that would cost taxpayer dollars.
Haley, who previously served as the ambassador to the United Nations during the Trump administration, further claims during the podcast that Florida’s parental rights bill should have gone further, and argued that DeSantis needed to work out the current problems with Disney so that things can return to normal operations.
She added that as a former governor, she advises DeSantis to simply “pick up the phone” to arrange a meeting with executives and hash out their differences so that business can continue as normal in his state. She added that businesses are important as they provide employment and bring revenue to the state.
DeSantis’ fight with Disney started after the company opposed his Parental Rights legislation which has been dubbed by critics the “Don’t Say Gay” bill. The bill banned all teachings of gender and sexual orientation up until the third grade.